Fuss Free Science #08: I wish I have a Time Turner

Hello Reader!

Before I start on the topic proper, here are some updates.

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Now, onto the topic!

Time Flies

Have you ever felt like that is not enough time to do everything?

Sometimes I wish I have a Time Turner just so that I can squeeze in more in a day. If you have never read Harry Potter and don’t know what a Time Turner is, it’s a magical device that allows you to travel back in time.

A spinning pendant

So why do I wish that I have a Time Turner? Some days, I feel like there is not enough time in a day to get all the things I need to get done. Things for work. Things for my own personal things. Things for this newsletter. Things for my family.

But what is time? According to science, time is the progression of events from the past into the future.

The funny thing about time is that it can feel like it’s moving every so slowly or super duper fast.

Why does that happen?

When you are enjoying yourself, the dopamine that your brain releases makes your internal clock run faster. So that’s why you feel like time just flies when you’re having fun.

However, if you are in an emergency, things feel like they move so slow because the amygdala, the part of your brain that creates memories, is activated. When it goes into overtime and makes memories, it feels like time can feel a lot slower. For example, someone may feel like it takes forever for the ambulance to come to a accident scene, but in actual fact, it could just be very short time.

So what triggered this topic of time for me?

My first born, will be starting primary school soon and I’m feeling a little emotional. It feels like only yesterday that we were at the hospital to forcefully evict her for the womb. And now she’s old enough to go into primary school.

It feels like time flew by so quickly, and I’m having a hard time accepting that my baby girl is growing up.

Part of me wishes that I can slow time down just so that I can spend more time with her being this age.

Since we’re on the topic of time, have you ever wanted to turn back time and change something? Like doing that thing that you regretted not doing? Or NOT doing that thing you regretted doing?

Me too!

Sometimes I do wish that I have the control over time to travel back to change things. But at the same time, I firmly believe that everything that I have done, everything I’ve experienced, and all the lessons I have learnt along the way, made me into who I am now. So as much as I would love to go back in time and change certain things, I wouldn’t do it.

Would you change things in your past? Or would you take advantage of that knowledge and do a Biff from Back To The Future?

Time travel trope is something that I see to be quite popular in movies. I mean, who wouldn’t want to see what the future is like. Or to see the actual events in history with our own eyes. And that is why some of my favourite shows involve time travel.

Doctor Who

A time-traveling Time Lord who’s space ship is bigger on the inside, and is in the shape of a police box. I started watching this show when they did the reboot in 2005. The Ninth Doctor will always be my Doctor.

I highly recommend this show if you like space and time travel, with witty dialogue (at least during the 9th and 10th Doctor’s tenure). And the villains or the ‘bad guys’ are also one of the most interesting things about the show.

One of my favourite quotes from this show is one about time.

“People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff. - Doctor Who, Episode : Blink

This episode made me look at statues differently. If you don’t know what I mean, I recommend that you watch it.


A 2012 movie starring Bruce Willis and Joseph-Gordon Levitt. It’s not a time traveling movie per se but it does involve closing the time loop. It’s one of those movies that I would re-watch.

What you would do if you could travel through time.

What is YOUR favourite time-related movie or show? What do you like best about it?

If you think that this edition has been helpful to you, or if you have any feedback, just reply to this email. I read every single one.

Until the next edition,

~ Lina


‘What Is Time? A Simple Explanation’. 2012. ThoughtCo. 22 November 2012. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-time-4156799.

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