
Fuss Free Science

I've seen so much fear against science because people don't understand it. It's full of jargon, with little to no explanation. I want to change that.

Hi! I'm Lina!

Science has always blown my mind - the way everything clicks together to shape our world.

Once, I almost burned the house down. I wasn't cooking; I was just exploring why things burn. After that, my family learned not to leave me alone for too long.

I live in Asia with my love, two bear cubs disguised as kids, and a diva cat. In 2012, I bagged my Masters in Environmental Science after 15+ years in biotech and cancer research. From R&D to product management, I've delved deep into lung cancer liquid biopsy and sequencing.

A project I loved, focused on using liquid biopsy to track lung cancer treatment progress and resistance. I presented it at the 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer in Vienna in 2016.

Fast forward to 2021, I snagged an amazing gig in Agricultural Science at a big MNC. I switched from human samples to plant samples (hubby thinks humans are just complicated houseplants with emotions).

Since 2023, I've been working full-time on the backend operations of Modern Muslim Finance.

Beyond the lab, I run a monthly newsletter at FussFree.Science. Subscribe if you haven't! I dive into a topic, obsess over it, and sum up my findings in a neat tl;dr way.

Yep, I'm a researcher both at work and home - data makes my day!

I'm all about making science understandable and accessible. Let's spread the love for science!

If you find the value in this newsletter, I would love it if you'll be my a coffee.

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