Fuss Free Science : A Short Update

Hello! I'm Lina Salleh, founder of Fuss Free Science. You're receiving this email because you signed up to the Fuss Free Science, a monthly newsletter about science topics, made easy to understand. Thank you for being here. If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to a friend. And if this email was forwarded to you, you can get your own.

Hello Reader!

This is going to be a short newsletter edition, just to update you on what I’ve got planned for the newsletter over the next few months.


  1. The next 3 months will be a 3 part edition about the science of bread and bread-making
  2. This will be part of a larger series called Fuss Free Kitchen Science
  3. Ask me any topic related questions here.

When I embarked on the topic that I’d initially wanted to share this month, I didn’t realise how massive it was going to be!

Who knew that the science of bread and bread-making could be so broad and deep!

So, instead of having one massive edition, I’ve decided to turn it into a 3-part edition. This way I get to break it down into smaller, more manageable information and not just info-dump on you.

Nobody likes to have an info dump.

So, over the next three months, here is what we will be learning about:

  • What are the different components that go into bread making?
  • What happens during the fermentation process?
  • Is gluten really bad for you?
  • Nutrition in bread
  • How does crop science help to improve bread quality?

The science of bread and bread Making will be the first topic in a larger series called Fuss Free Science: Kitchen Science Series. We will be learning more about food chemistry and what makes food tastes so good.

So to give you a teaser on what to expect over the next few months, here's a micro podcast that I did with a sourdough baker about what bread baking is for her.

If you have any questions about the topic of bread that you'd like me to answer, please drop them into the form below

In case you missed out on the previous editions of the newsletter:

If you have a burning science question that you need answered, click on the button below.

You can connect with me on Twitter. Or on my personal website.

I would love to hear from you if you have any feedback about the topic, or the format, or if you want it to be more frequent, just reply to the email newsletter and I promise you that I'll get back to you.

Until the next issue, take care!

~ Lina

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