I Want To Be Strong Like B**** Who Fight Bears In Forest (FFS #09)

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Hello Reader!

Have you ever seen a video that inspired you so much that it made you want to just continue doing what you’re doing AND improve yourself?

For me, it is this video:

I have been working out relatively regularly since 2019, and this video really gave me the motivation to get better and stronger.

The video also made me reflect on my original intention of working out. I asked myself some fundamental questions.

Why was I working out?

What was my desired outcome from working out?

How was I going to reach my goal?

The Why

So WHY am I working out so much?

  1. I’m vain. I want to look good in everything that I wear.
  2. Related to #1, I want to look good to complement my husband when we go out together.

The What

What is the result that I want from working out regularly?

  1. I want to wear bodycon dresses that I love without needing to hide the rolls with support garments.
  2. I want to reduce my body fat percentage and increase muscle mass so that I look good in #1 (did I mention that I was vain?).
  3. I want to be strong enough to carry my kids while they still want to be carried.

The How

How am I going to achieve my goals? What kind of workouts do I need to do to be strong? Do I have to change my diet?

1. Eat a high protein breakfast

A study examining how having a high protein breakfast affects teenage girls. The girls who have a high protein (HP) breakfast (35g) are less likely to want high-fat snacks later compared to teenage girls who skip breakfast or have less protein (13g) at breakfast. In addition, the HP breakfast group stated that they are more satisfied after their lunch (satiated) and less likely to snack in the afternoon [1].

So why is this study important to me, even though I am not a teenager anymore?

Because, like the teenage girls, when I have a high protein breakfast to a regular protein diet, I don’t feel the need to snack at around 3 or 4 pm. A high protein breakfast also increases your metabolism. This means that you are burning more energy (and fat) through out the day. That works into my overall goal of reducing body fat [2].

2. Get strong

As we age, we will lose muscle if we don’t do anything about it. Some of the benefits of strength training include building muscle, making your bones stronger, and helping you think better. You don’t even need a gym to do your strength training since there are bodyweight workouts that you can do [3].

I haven’t gone to a gym in more than a decade, but I used the lessons I learnt from when I had personal training years ago to do my workouts at home. I am lucky that I have the space in the living room for me to do my exercises. In addition, we have wall-to-wall sliding mirror doors that I use to spot and watch myself to ensure that my form is correct.

I incorporate bodyweight exercises and kettlebell exercises into my morning workout routine.

I prefer early morning workouts because it’s cooler and quieter. I also find that I am more energetic for the rest of the day.

I do yoga or mobility exercises on alternate days to ensure that my muscles are not tight after the strength training.

I'm not ready yet to get personal training because my schedule at the moment does not permit it. But it might be something that I will do in the future.

3. Listening to my body

This is very, VERY important. Being aware of the signals in my body helps me determine if I am lacking in certain nutrients that my body needs, or if I should rest after an intensive workout.

For example, there are days when I crave chocolate even after a full meal. However, the intense need for a bar of chocolate usually means that I didn’t have enough calories. So, either I need to add more fat or protein to my diet.

Or days when I want to eat potato chips or something salty for an unexplained craving. For me, this means my body is dehydrated. So drinking an isotonic drink helps with that dehydration.

Also, some days, the muscles and the joints are aching because my body likes to remind me that I’m not 20 anymore. So I take it easy on those days, doing gentle workouts instead to warm up those muscles.

Final Thoughts

So far, as long as I am consistent with my workouts and being more mindful about what I eat, I am on track to reaching my goals.

Ultimately, I just have to keep in mind MY reasons for doing it and the GOALS I want to reach because no one sees the work. They just see a snapshot of you heading towards that goal.

Please do keep in mind that this is what is working for ME. Everyone is different. Your goals and the workouts you need may be very different from mine.

Consult your doctor first if you want to start working out or tweak your diet. All information I share is for information only and not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health providers with any questions about a new workout or diet plan.

So, what are your health goals if you work out regularly or try to do so? Is it working for you? Share it with me in the replies, and let's have more conversations about it.

Further Reads

Kettlebell workouts - This is my go-to guide for all things kettlebells. I’ve been using his kettlebell for beginners workouts since 2020. They are easy to follow, and he has videos for you to follow along.

5 Joint Mobility Exercises to Improve Flexibility and Function - This article sums up nicely why mobility and flexibility are essential, especially as we get older. The article lists down the exercises you can do even if you are a total beginner.

How to add compound exercises to your exercise routine - This is a great article that shares the different compound exercises that you can do. These exercises will help you work out more muscle groups with one movement. It cuts down the amount of time you need to work out to get a full-body workout.


‘[1] Leidy, Heather J, Laura C Ortinau, Steve M Douglas, and Heather A Hoertel. 2013. ‘Beneficial Effects of a Higher-Protein Breakfast on the Appetitive, Hormonal, and Neural Signals Controlling Energy Intake Regulation in Overweight/Obese, “Breakfast-Skipping,” Late-Adolescent Girls123’. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 97 (4): 677–88. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.112.053116.

[2] ‘Losing Weight: Breakfast With Protein’. 2018. Healthline. 22 June 2018. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-30-grams-of-protein-at-breakfast-can-help-you-lose-weight.

[3] ‘Strength Training: Get Stronger, Leaner, Healthier’. n.d. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 8 January 2022. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/strength-training/art-20046670.

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