What happens when it stops being fun?

Hello! I'm Lina Salleh, founder of Fuss Free Science. You're receiving this email because you signed up to the Fuss Free Science, a monthly newsletter about science topics, made easy to understand. Thank you for being here. If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to a friend. And if this email was forwarded to you, you can get your own.

Hello Reader!

When I started this newsletter, I thought that it was going to be something fun. I wanted to read and research the things that struck my fancy. And I was going to share what I read and learnt.

But over the past few months, as I spent doing what I envisioned the newsletter was going to be, I learnt a few very important lessons.

  1. Writing and research the way I did was not sustainable for me to do it all alone.
  2. I didn’t set a limit to how deep I wanted to go when I researched.
  3. That made it stopped being fun and started to feel a lot like work. Like my work work.
  4. The burnt-out I had writing the bread chemistry was bad enough that just the thought of going back into reading the papers made me physically ill.

So what does this mean?

I took the past few weeks after publishing the previous edition to reflect on how I want to move forward with this newsletter.

I want to share about the science that I find interesting. But I learnt that what I’m sharing isn’t about turning YOU into an expert. It’s not even about turning ME into an expert. I just need to make sure that the information is either really interesting or at least applicable.

And I want to share more about me, about my life and my experiences too. I’m not just a person in science who writes about it. I am also a parent, a spouse, an employee, a friend, and a daughter.

I am a believer that everything you do and everyone you meet, has a lesson to teach you.

And learning from someone else’s mistakes usually means that we learn how to avoid it, and if we can’t, at least how to fix them.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could teach you or show you how you can avoid the same pain they went through?

So what does this really mean?

It means I’m shifting the content of this newsletter a little, to include my experiences and the lessons I learnt in reflection.

The science topics that interest me will still be Fuss Free, just that it won’t be as in-depth as I envisioned it. I’d rather it just be superficial info and be fun to write, than going too deep and burn out.

I want to take you on a journey with me to learn as I learn, about science and about myself. To tell you my stories. And I hope that my stories can help you avoid the same mistakes I made.

I know that this may not be what you subscribed for initially. But if you are with me on this journey, just reply with a YES to this email. I read every single one.

Until the next edition,

~ Lina

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